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Max Factor Grocer Unit
Development of new retail furniture
Max Factor
Working alongside one of our long term Clients Max Factor we were given the opportunity to develop a new style of unit for the grocer environment. The unit had to project the premium nature of the brand while being easily updatable by store staff and cost effective for an environment that is not traditionally a major selling space.
Took stock of the current Max Factor estate, the design principles that shaped the presence in store and how this could be applied in a cost effective manner.
Settled on a strategy to use strong illumination to make the product the 'star' of the unit, taking advantage of the significant number of Max Factor products with highly attractive packaging.
All design, technical drawings and prototype produced in house to allow for a tight timeline to be adhered to.
Made use of Vac Forming's to ensure that the initial and ongoing costs were kept to a minimum while still providing the functionality required for the unit.
Extrusion developed in-house to provide the perfect housing for LEDs to create a superbly lit unit, drawing the eye of the consumer to the Max Factor product on display.
Final unit prototype produced and signed off for production.
Initial run of over 300 units produced expanding to over 500 doors over the lifetime of the unit.
A further 2ft solution was developed to provide consistent branding in store to satisfy the requirements of smaller stores.
This project was a resounding success for all parties and resulted in the entire JS estate being swapped over and a further development of the unitary for the Tesco marketplace. Following the design and development of this retail unit owe entered it into the POPAI awards where it won a bronze award! Our first award on our first entry and something we are very proud of!

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